Services Video Transcript

Steve Cornforth: At Phoenix Specialty in our Press Room we have 48 OBI presses that range from 10 to 160 tons, we also have in our machine shop we have CNC lathe, CNC Mills, and CNC Swift screw machines. These tools are made to produce your dies that we manufacture your parts with. We can stamp six inches in diameter, a quarter inch thick, all the way down to 1000th thick and diameters down to as small as 100,000 and smaller. We also water jet parts that are bigger than six inches in diameter up to 16 inches square. Quality and engineering start at the very beginning. When we receive your order our engineering department designs and programs a die, then our machine shop machines style from the CNC program. After our parks are through being manufactured they are sent to our in-house tumbling department. They may get wet tumbled or dry tumbled or vibratory tumbles, all with different types of media to remove burrs and to remove oil and make the parts nice and shiny. At Phoenix, we have a secondary operations department. Our secondary operations department is just what it sounds like, they do many different things to your parts once they’re stamped. We make extra parts by putting your serial number on it, we can paint, we can form. We have a managed inventory system, so what does that mean? You give us an order from one to three years we will make your parts, keep them in our warehouse until you’re ready for them.

Allison Penick: Essentially we keep parts in stock for that customer based on their purchase order agreement. We manage the inventory for you that way you don’t have the stress and the headache. Here in the shipping department we basically handle finished goods. Finished goods and shipping customer parts out.

Steve Cornforth: We also have a large inventory of raw material. We look in the past to predict the future so we can keep material in stock at all times that our customers normally use. Phoenix been a big part of my life I’m proud to say I’m a Phoenix employee. The reason I come back every day is I get to work with a great group of people that are dedicated to their craft and their jobs. We continue to grow with our equipment and training of our employees, we are here to stay and proud to say everything here is made in the USA.