Careers Video Transcript

Russell Hurst: You know a key company value for us is a customer first mentality and and everything we’ve been talking about so far is all about meeting the customer’s needs. Another core value at Phoenix is commitment to team success. What that means is when the company wins, our people win. Our team wins.

Adam Jones: I’m working on my 20th year. I stay at Phoenix because of the culture, stability, and the team environment.

Allison Penick: I started in 2015, so I’ve been here about eight years. Phoenix definitely encourages growth in employees, as well as promotion from within.

Russell Hurst: Over 60% of our managers have come up through the ranks of the company and that’s really proud of.

Allison Penick: I’ve learned so much so much from being here and like each step has taught me more and more. There’s always like an opportunity to learn more and keep you going to that next goal.

Brittany O’Berry: When I first started I had no idea what a washer or a shim was. I started out in SOP but I’ve worked my way up to become a quality technician.

Adam Jones: You are more valuable to the company, you can do more than one thing, and they provide their education any chance for you to do different things.

Russell Hurst: We support of people that want to go back to school, pursue education, they want to try something different. We try to give opportunities to get and keep great people.

Adam Jones: We want to come in and work safely, be productive, satisfy customers, take care of our family, and take care each other.

Allison Penick: Everyone supports each other, it’s like they celebrate your triumphs, they celebrate your joys, but they also mourn with you when things happen.

Adam Jones: Unfortunately, the best example is the loss of a loved one. I lost my oldest daughter to COVID a few years ago. When there’s a loss, a personal loss, Phoenix takes ownership of that, they do things that that’s not required of a company. They do it because that’s who they are and when you say family culture it’s not just family inside here it’s the family you go home to that Phoenix cares about.

Russell Hurst: One of our company values is respect one another as equals. I’m not going to ask one of my team to do something that I myself am not willing to do. That’s how I feel about safety, right? I intend to go home to my kids every day and I expect my people to go home to their kids every day.

Allison Penick: Phoenix truly wants employees to leave in the afternoon the same way that they came here in the morning. You know, they want to provide a great environment, they want to provide a great company for us to work for, but they also take good care of us. They make sure that we have good benefits and good health insurance.

Adam Jones: Phoenix benefits are second to none, and that’s one of the main reasons I found Phoenix attractive, and I still do for 20 years. The benefits take care of your family.

Allison Penick: I feel like at Phoenix it’s never a dull moment. I have people in my department who have been here since before I was born. I mean I’ve heard of people being here for 35 and 40 years which is something that I feel like you just don’t see at companies.

Adam Jones: I’ve progressed, I’ve learned, I plan to retire from here. Phoenix has been there for me and I will be there for Phoenix.